Stand on the shoulders of the Machine Learning community
Seamless code integrations
Easily import and export datasets, pipelines, and experiments from your favourite machine learning environments and libraries.

Reproducible and transparent machine learning
The OpenML integrations make sure that all uploaded results are linked to the exact (versions) of datasets, workflows, software, and the people involved. We generate predictions locally using exact procedures and evaluate them server-side so that results are directly comparable and reusable in further work.
Huge repository of diverse datasets
All datasets are uniformly formatted, have rich, consistent metadata, and can be loaded directly into your favourite environments.

The benefits
Intensify collaboration
Facilitate knowledge exchange and workforce collaboration.
Secure knowledge
Allow experts and novices to team up efficiently.
Automatically organized
Organize machine learning experiments and automate your workflow.
Better results
Reproduce the best results from experts. No need to reinvent the wheel.
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Explore data sets ready to be used in projects
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Upload, explore and reproduce results online
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A community of machine learning enthousiasts
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Find or add data analysis flows

Combine and use existing results – data, algorithms and models – to learn from millions of reproducible machine learning experiments
Machine learning pipelines automatically shared from many libraries.